For Immediate Release: January 11, 2024
Contact: Tishawna McGowan
(443) 604-8964
(Baltimore, MD) - The Baltimore City Office of Emergency Management has opened the damage assessment portal to gather data on damages caused by the severe weather event that resulted in coastal flooding on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, and Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
Damage assessment is a critical process after a severe incident or disaster. Joey Henderson, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management, emphasizes that “data collection helps determine the severity and impact disasters have on individuals and communities within Baltimore City which helps us prepare for future events.”
Residents and businesses can report damage from the severe weather event by filling out the Baltimore City Damage Assessment Data Collection form through Friday, January 19th, 2024.
This form is not a substitute for submitting insurance claims and damage assessment submissions do not guarantee federal, state, or local reimbursement.
An alternate format is available upon request. Contact the Office of Emergency Management at 410-396-6188 or oem@baltimorecity.gov. TTY users, please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1.